Our first Permaculture course is 11/12 March 2017 and filling up fast...
What can you expect?
Friday night is a meet and greet evening and everybody brings a finger supper to share. Please bring your drinks along. I will provide cutlery and cups and glasses.

Saturday morning is an early start – 7am
Starting with a lovely quiet yoga stretch session of 15 minutes and then the following will be covered:
Permaculture Design Principles including Zoning and Sectors; Compost Making and Soil Life; Sheet Mulching; Vermiculture; Chicken Tractors; Water Strategies and Irrigation including Swales; Planting different beds/areas; Nursery Work including Sowing, Transplanting, Soil Mixtures and propagating with cuttings; Seed Saving and Storage; Pasture and Orchard management.
Compost making:

Chicken tractor is moved….

It is stressed that this is an introduction course that explores all the above-mentioned areas from a permaculture point of view. It is impossible to go into great depth with all the areas – instead, the course is designed to capture your interest, provide a solid base to start off from and tie you into a support network for the journey ahead.
Tea and a snack is served at about 11am and lunch around 1pm